"48 people were burned to death after a bus hit a truck. The teribble
accident took place yesterday ……." Almost every day
we come across to this kind of news, which naturally has difficult outcomes.
With respect to the data from the mass media, in the accidents which
took place only during the first nine months of 1997, four thousand people were reported
dead and around 86.000 (eighty-six thousand) were injured.
The material loss was estimated to be more than the budgets of the
Ministries of Transport - Energy and Tourism for the year 1998.
Investigations, foundations, different kinds of applications, the
increase in the amount of penalties ; to say it in short every single method was tried to
solve this problem ; all of them were useless.
During the traffic controls, the drunken drivers laughed, sang
songs, and made fun of the cameras who were shooting…
Even our President Mr. Demirel because he couldn't bear to see this
picture any more, showed his sensitivity on the subject by saying;
"We have taken all kinds of measures, what else do we have to
Why do we lose twenty times more people in this traffic disorder in
comparison with the Gulf War of 1991?… This is a question to which we cannot find any
In one of my articles, I have mentioned Prof. Yasar Nuri Ozturk's
ideas on the subject. Prof. Ozturk, in his corner "Friday Conversations" in the
daily Newspaper Hurriyet wrote ;
" We have a problem concerning the railways. This problem is
covered conciously. Because the huge terrifying giant, monster is in our country, and the
railways are the most effective enemy of this monster". Thus, he is directing the
problem to the railways.
This is a rational solution. However since every person does not
have the possibility to take a train after leaving the door of his home, it doesn't seem
as a measure which will decrease the no of traffic accidents.
Futhermore, we have to use the high-way to go to the railway
station. Unfortunately, some of the accidents take place on these roads which do not pass
through the center of the city, but which are still accepted as intercity roads.
As we learn from the press, in other countries the transportation
between the cities is made by airplane, railways and the highways as well. However, we
don't hear the news of big accidents and deaths in the traffic. Therefore, should we end
up with the conclusion that Azrael (the angel of death) is not functioning in these
I have been to London, Mekka, Medina, Madrid, Ceddah. I have always
paid special attention to the behavior of the drivers. There wasn't a single driver who
was dissatisfied with this rights. There wasn't a bus going on the left line on the
auto-bahns. There wasn't a single vehicle which didn't move to the right after overtaking
another car on the left side. Most probably the situation is not different in the main
cities of other countries.
In our case, it is just the opposite. It is very difficult to meet a
driver who does not attack others rights.
So, the problem in the first place, depends on the level of the
culture and the method of education in this direction.
Since many years the intelligent, educated people are crying out
that nobody is reading books in Turkey. In other countries people are filling their bags
with books of their own choice, as if they are going shopping. Whereas, among our people
there are the ones who spend their life-time without buying and reading a single book,
without writing something so that the ink in the pen can get finished. This is the level
of culture…
Another important factor for the shockingly high accident rates is
the astrological influences.
These astrological influences shape the behaviour of the person,
their inner world and physical appearance. However, never and never they give the order
"disobey the rules while driving, make accidents and cause deaths".
During the periods when the cosmic influences are extremely hard or
lenient; if you are well aware of this fact then you may control yourself. Thus, you may
take the neccesary precautions and you may avoid danger in this way.
Actually, we can make use of astrology not only for accidents, but
for every area of life.
Even partial information on the subject will bring many advantages.
Even a partial (not the whole) knowledge of the Science of Astrology
that I am talking about will bring you to this point.
Astrology is concerned not only with accidents, but with every
aspect of life.
As an example, when the planet Mercury is retrograde, our brains
cannot function with full capacity they slow down and get mixed up in certain ways. You
can easily witness that most of the decisions that you have made during this period were
not correct.
If, on your personal astrological chart, the planet Mars is in the
sixth house, (i.e. the house for health) then you can expect illness anytime. Therefore
you should be careful.
Now, let us take a look at the positions of the planets on the day
when many lives were lost in the traffic mentioned at the beginning of this article.
The date is October 20.1997. The positions of the planets were as
We can see that Uranus is in Aquarius and Pluto is in Sagittarius
and their long lasting influences have started to come into the open. The influences of
the slow moving planets such as Neptune, Uranus and Pluto don't show up immediately. In
time, Uranus causes accidents when it is aspected by certain angles of the other planets.
On that day (October 20 th) Mars and Moon were opposing each other with an angle of 180°
. This position has increased the hard influences of the other planets and caused the
action of the accident to come to the open. In places, where these influences are received
strongly it is impossible to avoid accidents.
As a matter of fact on that very some day October 20 th in
South-Africa thirty-two people died as a result of a tanker colliding with a bus.
Of course, at this point, the astrological charts of the bus, the
driver and the passengers should be taken into consideration.
At the end of December 1997 mars has conjucted Uranus, the Moon
opposed them with a 180° angle first, then the Moon has pulled the trigger with a 90°
angle from Scorpio.
The Neptune - Mars conjunction took place on December 15 th - 16 th
-17 th …
Also ;
On Tuesday, September 16.1997, at 17:00 hours local time, there was
the Lunar Eclipse. As it took place in the after-noon it could be watched very easily from
I can suggest you to read the book named "Marifetname"
written by Ibrahim Hakký Erzurumi, about the movements of the sun, moon and the results
of the eclipses.
You may say "Do I have to learn all of these ?"
However if you don't, it will be difficult for you to notice what is
coming out and from where?
At this very moment, the position of Pluto in Sagittarius may bring
floods, accidents, and deaths of masses.
So, nowadays, the aspects of the planets are very hard and one must
know in general about the movements of the planets and be careful.
You may very well ask if there aren't any astrological influences in
other countries. Naturally, these influences are present everywhere. However, some know
about this science and create alternatives, and some obey the rules very strictly without
leaving any empty space. This dosen't mean that there aren't any accidents, but the rate
never reaches the level in our country.
As, I have told before our cultural position is the determining
factor in this result.
All of these influences are bringing out the events which people
cannot perceive with their five senses, the traffic chaos and the accidents are very good
To be able to take precautions it is necessary to be fully aware and
conscious. However, the accidents which end up with death should be taken within the scope
of destiny.
Taking the death factor as a basis, religion(system) has classified
the accidents as unchangeable and changeable.
"In the unchangeable accident there isn't any modification or
"In the changeable accident, it is possible that modification
can take place." In this case we can
make evaluations and take precautions, if there could be a change
There are verses which indicate that the unchangeable accident will
never change. (see 33/38)
We must never forget that we should be behaving ourselves for the
unchangeable accident which comes as a must of the divine will.
For, the Absolute Creating Power does not have any bargains with
people on creating who, where, when, how, and, in which race. As well as there isn't any
bargain on how and when one's death will take place.
In short we can say "Asrology and destiny are working in
What we have to do is to take precautions. However , the precaution
is also predestined, and the precaution that you take without knowning the method will be
Just as it is now…..
May Allah be helping and supporting us.
Ahmet F. Yuksel
