word "Murshid" is used in general to denote the meaning "who enlightens the
darkness of ignorance in a person".In return the word shaki means with one of its
aspects "bandit-who stops the travellers on the roads from going further ".The Arabic word "sheikh" is the synonym for "the teacher"
in Turkish.
"Murshid" illuminates the depths of the person and makes
him/her realize Allah existing in his/her own essence, whereas "shaki" stops the
road going to his/her own essence and makes him interested in subjects so that in the end
he/she is veiled from Allah.
What does Murshid do?
In reality what we know as "Religion" is the universal
system and order created by Allah.The laws and principles prevailing in this system are
altogether called "ISLAM".
Since Hazrat Adam "THE RELIGION OF ISLAM" has been
explained to the mankind so that they would arrange their worldly lives accordingly and
attain the eternal happiness in the afterlife realm.
Like every other prophet, Hazrat Mohammed Mustafa Aleyhesselam has
explained to all of his
people, who will be coming to the world until the resurrection day,
the "religion of Islam".In other
words, he has notified them through the Quran-al Kerim about the
system and order of universe
created by Allah, and the laws and the principles valid in this
system and order.
After this stage, what people should do is to take this notification
(warning) into consideration and perform the studies in relation with their futures!..
Now, following this introduction, the most important point that we
must be aware of is as follows:---
While The Koran is informing openly the points which are imperative
for us the points which do not interest everybody have been gathered together and
explained symbolically.
Our Prophet, RasulAllah , by taking into consideration the living
of the people of those times has given detailed explanations about
the subjects they needed to know.These subjects have been covered in the Quran altogether
and without any details.However, all of his companions did not have the same level of
understanding.Therefore, he didn`t want those companions who lack a high level of
foresight and comprehension to undergo heavy obligations, and did not give them detailed
information on certain subjects.
He opened up the details only to persons like Hazrat Abu Bakr, and
Hazrat Ali who had the vast capacity for evaluation.
...Sufism is the name given to our contemplations/meditations about
our understanding of Religion and living their results towards that understanding.
The answer to the questions "Why-How?" asked about
religion is sufism.Because, the person feels and lives the results of his
Each and every person who meditates, researches, questions, and
tries to comprehend, finds himself in Sufism whether he wants it or not.
The difference between Philosophy and Sufism is that, Philosophy
thinks in comparison to what he sees and cannot go beyond.Whereas, Sufism lets the person
go beyond what he sees by means of faith and makes him comprehend and live.
All of these studies can be accomplished only if a teacher
accompanies and helps you!..
The human mind by itself cannot break the viscious circle that he is
in!..Only, by an outside stimuli it is possible to go out of this viscious circle.
Always the human being needs an outside factor to make him (his
mind) grasp and comprehend!..this needed person is the "Murshid".
In a way "Murshid" is a guide.He teaches the person
"how to attain" in an area which he doesn`t know, through a short-cut without
making wrong deviations and without wasting time.He shows the right road.
In the sufi way of understanding the religion, the human is
considered as a mechanical being, a kind of robot!
A person who has not entered the area of sufism performs the salat
(with the classical movements)!...Whereas a person who evaluates sufism, feels the meaning
of the prayers and he lives them, thus his salat becomes his ascension.In this manner, the
salat is is lived fully(deeply).
A person who has not entered the area of sufism thinks of other
people as souls placed in moulds made of flesh and bones!...The man who has attained the
secrecy (truth) of sufism evaluates what he sees with the hidden meaning of the verse
"Wherever you turn your head, you see an aspect of Allah" and acts towards them
From Ahmad Yesevi to Saint Haji Bektash;from Abd-al-Qadir Gilani
toMuhyiddin A`rabi; from Mawlana Jallaluddin Rumi to Yunus Emre at the door of Taptuk;from
Saint Haji Bayram to Muhammmed Nur-ul Arabi, from Ahmad Rifa`i (descended from the Prophet
Mohammed) to
Kena`an Rifa`i, all of these precious people while making the
studies for sufism have travelled through their roads with the enlightenment of a
"Murshid"; and attained (reached) what has been destined for them.
Denying Sufism is only behaving as an idiot (fool).
The stupid is the one who doesn`t understand, the idiot(fool) is the
one who is not even aware that he didn`t understand.
As a whole, life consists of learners and teachers.Apart from these
there are the ones who don`t have the will to learn which are beyond our concern!..
If someone hears the name "Allah", and does not bother to
think/research what that being is, and doesn`t bother to think about his/her connection
with Allah, then he is only a creature walking on two feet!..Every single person apart
from these will be in a research paralel to his capacity of thinking.Thus, the area in
which this research/meditation will be conducted has been called"sufism".
Each person who turns towards the direction of Sufism shall be in
need of "A person who knows"!..
In the Quran, in the Surah of Nahl, a paragraph of 43rd verse
commands "If you do not know, then ask someone who knows"!...
What happens if in spite of your good will you have been carried
away by someone who "doesn`t know" instead of someone who knows because of your
ignorance! What if you have been related to a "bandit" (stopping your journey on
this road) instead of an "enlightener",without having the necessary scientific
basis, only by listening to what the people around you have said What if without knowing
what you are searching for, without knowing the qualifications of a real
"murshid" you have accepted "a bandit" as your "murshid"?
What a pity!...Because in this system created by Allah there is
neither a place for excuses nor a chance for you to compensate (repair) the mistakes of
the past!..
Therefore, before searching for a murshid, before getting advice
from him/her and starting your journey what you have to do in the first place is to have a
basic knowledge of sufism from the literature (reference books) on the subject. Actually,
only during the sermons delivered in the mosques people are not allowed to ask questions,
they only listen. However, sufism is based on the principle of question and answer. Our
prophet has declared "Questioning is the half of the whole science".By saying
this RasulAlah has invited the people to think and question every moment.The human being
can learn by asking questions.But, the bandits which came in the later times have
prohibited asking questions to those who have a desire for science and Allah They only
told them to listen. A kind of behavior which does not have any place in real Sufism!..
The real "murshid" answers every question in relation with
his level of consciousness(understanding).If the subject of the question has not been
opened up to him, then he has the perfection and maturity to say "this subject has
not been opened to me yet". Because, there is not a condition that each
"murshid" should know everything!..
There is a Murshid with a consciousness of the nafs of
mutmainnah*,there is a murshid with a consciousness of nafs of radiyah*!..
Among those who have the consciousness of the nafs of mardiyah*,
maybe a few of them act as a "murshid".
The one having the consciousness of the nafs of Pureness*, doesn't
act as a murshid to the qualified people belonging to the tariqat*.
However, the ones who have started their jobs as a
"murshid" when their consciousness was at the level of the nafs of mutmainnah,
continue with their work even though their consciousness develops to the higher stages.
Today, it is ridiculous to say that there isn't any
"murshid" existing on this world. Speaking of such a thing is complete
ignorance.Today, as it has been before, there are murshids who have attained maturity.
However, there are also murshids in every corner of the world like mushrooms popping out
of grass, who infact function as "bandits".
In Turkey, many years ago in accordance with the laws passed by the
government of the time, the tekkes have been closed and the positions of sheikh-murshid
have been forbidden (cancelled).
We can recommend to the person on this world who needs to find a
"murshid" to attain Allah,the following..
"Murshid"s, who are not bandits..
They are "men of Allah", their teachings are not a means
of trade and they don't teach things related to trading!..
They are away from actions such as drinking, smoking, which their
bone and flesh body necessitates.{wants}
From these people and their close companions one cannot hear any
conversation apart from science.Gossip and back biting can never be heard! A mature person
doesn't talk behind others for any reason and doesn't gossip about them.
Because, every moment he is aware about the truth/reality of the
person that he is gossipping. He doesn't prohibit anyone ask questions about science!...He
doesn't stop people from reading about Sufism! He recommends everybody to read the books
of every Sufi who have attained maturity to benefit from their science.
He never asks neither for moral nor material things. Worldly values
such as fame, important positions are meaningless for him.
Never goes to the feet of the people of high political and
governmental positions, never requests for something.
Every single moment he sees(recognizes) Allah's will and due to this
fact never accuses(blames) anyone.
He lives every moment with full recognition of the 22nd-23nd verses
of Surah of Hadid.
He makes everything easier, not more difficult, makes people love
the religion(system) instead of pushing them away as a result of dislike.
Talks to everybody within the framework of intellect.
Never stops anyone from meeting other p eople who have attained
Because,he knows very well that to everyone a different unique
achievement(vast virtues of knowledge/science)has been given.
These are a few basic principles which come to mind in the first
Apart from these, there is a lot of information regarding the
qualities and attributes of the real "murshid" in books about sufism. From
Gazzali's "Ihya" to the "Marifetname" of I.Hakki Erzurumi!....
From the book named "Nefohat-uL Uns" to the
"Risale" of Imam Kuseyri,to "Tezkiret-uL evliya", to the
"Huccetullah;Baliga" of Veliyullah Dihlevi!
If you are grateful and appreciate what has been given, then it will
be increased. If you are ungrateful, if you don't appreciate what has been given and just
cover it up you would be preparing yourself to much suffering and distress! May Allah
grant us to be protected from "bandits" and make it easy to attain our own truth
with the help of real "Murshids".
May Allah be helping and Supporting us.
*Tariq :An Arabic word meaning way.
*Tariqat :The manner and attidude for those who
follow the path to Allah.
*Tekke:A house or a group of houses suitable for
the meetings, prayers of the people who are on the path to Allah .In some tekkes single
rooms were available for the sufis who lived in the Tekke.
*Nafs:The human nature {soul} consisting of eg:
passion, greed, anger etc.With the studies made on the path to Allah, the nafs attains
perfection by passing through different stages.
*1.Stage of Nafs of Ammarah:Self {human
nature}addicted to wordly desires.
*2.Stage of Nafs of Lawwamah:Self accusing soul for
neglect in divine.
*3.Stage of Nafs of Mulhamah:Soul which is inspired
by Allah.
*4.Stage of Nafs of Mutmainnah:Satisfied soul
through assurance.Because he is able to live his life in perfect conformity, free from
wordly passions.
*5.Stage of Nafs of Radiyah:Turning fully to Allah.
*6.Stage of Nafs of Mardiyah:Concentrating to reach
to the world to serve his fellow men by leading them to "Allah" *7.Stage of Nafs
of Pureness: A perfect nature, attained Allah, and living Allah.
Ahmet F. Yuksel
